Hello guys, Here you've got the song we saw the other day and the powerpoint presentation just in case you like to watch it again at home.
Broken Strings
domingo, 19 de abril de 2009 | Publicado por Elena Moreno Fuentes en 14:42 1 comentarios
Hello guys!!!
Here you have another exercise on some and any!:) Practise for your exam!
Projects Úbeda --4ºDIVER
Hello Guys!
Here you have some projects my students from 4ºESO-DIV have done about some typical aspects of our city: Úbeda.
Ubeda's Typical Food. Alejandro Requena & Juan Pablo Villajos
Ubeda's Semana Santa. Anabel Oller, Jose Líndez and Nuria Ocaña
Ubeda's Monuments. Pablo Expósito and Jose Álvarez
Sports in Úbeda. Juan Herrera and Jesús Gómez

Holidays. Yolanda Collados and Alba Arévalo.

Interesting Things. MªCarmen Gámez and Jesús Moreno.

Famous People. Selene Ceprián and Rafael Palomares.

Fiestas del Renacimiento and Feria de la Tapa. Irene Cabrera and Encarni Jiménez.

Hope you like them!:)
martes, 14 de abril de 2009 | Publicado por Elena Moreno Fuentes en 10:34 1 comentarios
Etiquetas: 4ºDIV, Penpals, Projects, The Netherlands
2ºESO- Past Continuous
Hello guys!
Here you have some exercises on PAST CONTINUOUS for you to practise for the exam you've got next week.
lunes, 13 de abril de 2009 | Publicado por Elena Moreno Fuentes en 23:10 0 comentarios
Etiquetas: 2ºESO-A-, 2ºESO-B-, 2ºESO-C-, Past Continuous
2º ESO and 3º ESO. Posters about Úbeda
Hello guys!
Here you have some posters my students have done during this week for our Dutch partners.
2ºESO -A-
2º ESO C
jueves, 2 de abril de 2009 | Publicado por Elena Moreno Fuentes en 17:32 2 comentarios
Etiquetas: 2ºESO-A-, 2ºESO-C-, 3ºESO A, Penpals, The Netherlands
1ºESO/ Posters about Úbeda
Hello guys!
Here, you have the projects about Úbeda that my students have done during this week.
1º ESO -A-
1º ESO -B-
Publicado por Elena Moreno Fuentes en 17:26 0 comentarios
Letters from The Netherlands!
Hello guys!
Here you have the lettwes we have received from The Netherlands. We are preparing another letter for sending them soon!
miércoles, 1 de abril de 2009 | Publicado por Elena Moreno Fuentes en 12:03 0 comentarios
Etiquetas: all classes, Penpals, The Netherlands